Friday, March 19, 2010

More names for The First Avenger: Captain America and candidates for: Peggy or Golden Girl?, the first Priest images, the cómic "Existence 2.0" to the movies: Without City 2 earlier or later?, Real Steel and Attack of the Block record, The Last

Buff, again day cargadito newscaster. It will be necessary to look it spread where it is not to be able to be useful a little better the night. Let's begin with new movements in Marvel Studios and in possibilities of share-out of The First Avenger: Captain America (2011). If yesterday Ryan Phillippe was joining the list of candidates to be Steve Rogers, Phillippe has confirmed a few hours ago the news to the people of Splash Page MTV, today Deadline New York and Heat Vision Blog at the same time present us to Channing Tatum as new possible guinea pig of the whey of the supersoldier. Therefore, let's enumerate … Wilson Blethel, Mike Vogel, Chris Evans, Garrett Hedlund, Ryan Phillippe y Tatum. Along with this announcement it is discovered also that Marvel tests the feminine market to find the protagonist who will accompany Rogers in his adventures. Deadline speaks about Margaret "Peggy" Oil pan while Heat Vision Blog quotes to Bety Ross, alter ego of the superheroine Golden Girl and member of The Invaders, supergroup that will be present in the movie. Anyway, the names that appear by the horizon are those of Keira Knightley, Alice Eve and Emily Blunt, being the last one the supposed favorite of this trio on having been a candidate in due time to interpret Black Widow in Iron Man 2 (2010), role that finally relapsed into Scarlett Johansson. Since not at all, we remain intrigued for discovered who will take the cat to the water. I leave you now with the first glance, or slightly similarly, to Priest (2011) that Scott Stewart directs and that supposedly is based on the namesake work of Min-Woo Hyung. It is necessary to see little, more than not at all scenes of the shooting, the aspect of some personages, Priest (Paul Bettany), Hicks (Cam Gigandet) and Aaron (Stephen Moyer), and much of the cable that they are using.

It is not yet a moment to leave the world comiquero. Again Heat Vision of is the one that warns us about the new project based on graphic work that will come to the movies in not very distant future. Paramount Pictures has been done by the rights of "Existence 2.0", cómic published by Image and created by Nick Spencer and Ronald Salas. This action cómic centers on the life of an amoral physicist and who looks the whole day for his own bellybutton. His life will change the day that is murdered and that, as a result of this, his conscience finishes transferred to the body of the assassin who has finished with his life. From this moment he will be useful of the life of the assassin, enormous and all that, until his daughter is kidnapped. From this day it will have to face to the same persons who killed him. Thousands Thousand and Alfred Gough, acquaintances for being the creators of "Smallville" (2001-:?) there has been already recorded by Platinum Dunes, the company of Michael Bay, and Circle of Confusion to take charge of the writing of the script that adapts the work. In another order of things Splash Page MTV he speaks with Robert Rodriguez and this one drops that the beginning of the shooting of Without City 2 (?) it is a time question. Earlier or later it will end up by happening. Of course, Rodriguez says "probably sooner is better" … probably as soon as possible better. Let's cross the fingers.

Moment of brief. it indicates us that the young Canadian actor Dacota Goyo has been recorded to be employed along with Hugh Jackman at Real Steel (2011) of Shawn Levy. For that he does not remember it Real Steel is this movie of futurist science fiction where the boxing as such has been eradicated. Now those who divide the face are robots that they neither suffer, neither suffer, they do not even get weak. Goyo will be Max, the son of Jackman, a boxer who will look for his redemption after the reunion with his son lost in the championship robótico of boxing. The shooting starts in June of the hand of DreamWorks and Disney. Another day I presented to you a movie to be still an alumnus Attack of the Block (?) of Joe Cornish. Today The Playlist says to us that Nick Frost has been recorded to inform in the desquiciante movie. They mention in the portal that the Frost role will be important … remembering the argument of the movie I do not locate it. Sam the nurse?: one of the hooligans? or: is it possible that a police officer who finishes shut up with them? Deadline New York mentions to us that Summit Entertainment has been done by a script, or threat of, written by titled Cory Goodman The Last Witch Hunter (?). From the hand of the project there comes Timur Bekmambetov that will act like producer, although one does not discard that it does the proper thing in direction tasks. The movie will count the adventures of the last hunter of witches and sorcerers, and his attempts for preventing these from being reproduced like rabbits. Goodman, the scriptwriter, is the person in charge of the future adaptation of "Priest" and of also future Chromosome remake three (The Brood, 1979).

Design of an Ancient one of Wayne Barlowe
Design of an Ancient one of Wayne Barlowe (route Of The Bull Movies)

The today closing puts a note legal that it affects to the future copyright of Iron Man, Spider-Man, etc. Yesterday THR, Esq., portal that connects the legal thing with Hollywood, he published the note that makes clear that the denunciation of the heirs of Jack Kirby against Marvel for extracting benefit of the development of his creations goes forward. In September of last year the tiranteces began with Marvel presenting a reply to make to forget the topic indicating that Kirby was, in those time, an employed one and that therefore everything what it was creating was a property of the company for which it was working. This new denunciation comes to refute the Marvel argument and to put the company again against the ropes for the property, not whole but if partial. Anyway, that if finally the heirs it leaves with his will have to pay to them tens million dollars … tens of …: tens? And that is that for a company that Disney has just acquired for 4.000 millions?

IT NOTICES I do not want to say goodbye without commenting to you on a pair of things entertained to look and to continue. The channel SyFy has given the go-ahead to a series called "Three Inches". It is a superheroes' comedy where a type discovers that it has powers telequinéticos. It can move objects with the mind to 3 inches of distance, almost 8 cm. It will join other "heroes" with powers as pathetic as theirs. A graphic novel animated by Repo Men (2010) unburdens itself from the web of Apple mounted for it. Onlooker.

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