Thursday, March 25, 2010

2D2: More and less for The First Avenger: Captain America, more for The Thing, serious problems in the development of Ghostbusters III, "Captain Futuro" to the movies of the hand of Christian Alvart and Bryan Singer speaks about X-Men: First Cla

Wing, more news. Splash Page MTV publishes that Sebastian Stan joins, this has no end, in the long run it lists of candidates to be Steve Rogers in The First Avenger: Captain America (2011) of Joe Johnston. Eye, if Stan enters, which seems to fall down is Garrett Hedlund, in certain moment the favorite for Disney Pictures and Marvel Studios. It adds up and continues. he adds a pair of new names to the singular share-out of The Thing (2011), it is prestrained by not remake of The Thing (The Thing, 1982) of John Carpenter that Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. is planning to roll as soon as possible. The signings are those of Dennis Storhøi, Trond Espen Seim, Jørgen Langhelle, Stig Henrik Hoff, Jan Gunnar Røise, Kristofer Hivju and Jo Adrian Haavind. Since you will have realized, they are all actors of Norwegian origin, a factor decisive to take to good port this movie that tries to count the bloody events that precede the masterpiece of Carpenter. Of between the said ones there is moderately well-known someone, or at least I dress in some movie.

Captain Future: Man of Tomorrow
Captain Future: Man of Tomorrow

New block that always starts with surprising pompous news in of confidence column Vulture of the New York Magazine. As tells Columbia Pictures, or what is the same, Sony, they love Ivan Reitman as remote as possible of the development of Ghostbusters III (2011). And here the problem comes. Reitman has a contract signed by which one has full power on the election of the director of the movie. We go, that or it is he or he will be someone that he selects … but not other. Anyway, if the news is confirmed we will enter a strip phase and you slacken. The second draft of the script, written by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, will be ready next May and if they try to release the next year they will not be able to delay too much the important decisions, and this is one of them. It is said that Columbia wants to apply to Ghostbusters III the same that is planned it is Spider-Man … to renew in every respect. Does Columbia wonder if the director of almost 70 years fits rolling Ghostbusters III? Personally I think that if. Let's close this paragraph with a chat between Quiet Earth and the director Christian Alvart and he is commenting on his intention of making the adaptation real to big screen of "Captain Futuro", the personage pulp created by Edmon Hamilton in the 40s. Alvart admits to be a fan both of the written work and of the series animated by the company Toei Animation. It tells that the director that they are working hardly to create a space operates for the whole family as in due time it the saga was Star Wars. The first movie Captain Future (?) it will center on the origin of Curtis Newton and as Captain Futuro becomes as well as on the first one of his adventures "The emperor of the space". If everything goes out as is waited, Alvart has an idea already prepared for the consequence … Captain Future: Wizard of Science (?).

The today closing puts the his one more than extensive interview granted by Bryan Singer and the producer Lauren Shuler Donner to the people of Hero Complex of Los Angeles Steal. Although most of the article serve to throw the sight behind remembering the fundamental participation of Singer in the throwing of the saga mutant, it departs from the chat derives in details on X-Men: First Class (?), X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2 (?) and X-Men 4 (?) . Singer speaks first about his comeback to the exemption and comments that X-Men: First Class will center on counting the relation between Charles Xavier and Magneto, and the point in which his ways separated. Singer speaks that will tell themselves the origins of the mutants' school and that, therefore, will meet old acquaintances like Jean Grey, Cyclops or the Beast. Of course, all of them younger versions. Something on that he has not wanted to comment is if we will see or not to Wolf, I believe that he would not have sense, and if therefore Hugh Jackman would be involved in the project … the years they do not pass from the same form for this mutant. Anyway, the truly interesting thing there is the starting point that Singer raises and that is to center on the relation between Xavier and Magneto, stopping like extra, that I do not adorn, the rest of mutants. A movie more personal than the resultant hodgepodge in X-Men 3: the final decision (X-Men: The Last Stand, 2006). The article closes with two surprises. The first one the assertion on the part of the Donner of which Singer had on his table a contract to film X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2. As for X-Men 4, the producer says that it will be late in coming, but that it will end up by coming …

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