Sunday, March 14, 2010

Marvel Studios negotiates with Network Skull, I say, Hugo Weaving! Sam Worthington protagonist of Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future?, Steven Spielberg and Drew Goddard prepare Robopocalypse, there is already the director for Caesar: Rise of the Apes, more Kic

Very well, good, good … not all the post of this blog begin already with this mythical phrase of certain television program. Today on Friday the topic newscaster comes particularly loaded and, also, I fill of positive and interesting things. To start with unbeatable foot it is worth while stopping a little in Heat Vision Blog of, here only they count truths, and to hallucinate with the announcement by which it is confirmed that Marvel Studios is negotiating with Hugo Weaving so that he interprets to Red Skull / Network Skull in The First Avenger: Captain America (2011) of Joe Johnston. Eye, Heat Vision warns us that the negotiation is in a very delicate phase and that it will yield his fruit, mature or rotten, in a pair of days more or less. It seems that Marvel has put himself in way "I last of peeling" and in addition to the contract fits he wants agreements for multiple movies, it is of supposing then that Network Skull will appear in: The Avengers (2012)?: a possible consequence of The First Avenger: Captain America? Anyway, if the agreement closes, I hope be like that, this would be the second collaboration in less than 2 years between Johnston and Weaving, recently we saw them being employed together at the kept woman The werewolf (The Wolfman, 2010).

Hugo Weaving as Red Skull / Network Skull?
Hugo Weaving as Red Skull / Network Skull?

Do you want more? Since wing, the second ration. Pajiba spreads today, very much eye that the rumors of this web lately turn all in fact, that Sam Worthington has signed with Warner Bros to lead in not very distant future the cinematographic adaptation of the cómic pulp of science fiction "Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future". Dan Dare is one of the most charismatic and classic personages of the British science fiction. He was born in the 50s of the hand of Frank Hampson and was provided, throughout many years, with multiple cartoon stories, even under the stamp 2000AD, being adapted to the world of the video game or to that of the series of animated television. Let's say that Dan Dare is a species of Buck Rogers but to the Briton. A few years ago Virgin Comics, company of the magnate Richard Branson, was done by the rights with the intention of relaunching them in the world of the vignette of the hand of Garth Ennis … if, the idea was to do one They give I will give harder and adult. Since not at all, it seems that WB has now the property, I suppose that in coalition with Virgin, and they realize it very well, with the renaissance pulp that we are suffering, Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future (?) one will see on big screen.

Poster of Kick-Ass for the SXSW with Hit-Girl
Poster of Kick-Ass for the SXSW with Hit-Girl

Satisfied?: no? Come, third surprises block. Deadline Hollywood publishes an extensive article where it does gathering of all the innovations that will provide to us the future of the called one by right King Midas of Hollywood. Steven Spielberg is an anxious bottom and he has never said not to interesting projects. Today it is a moment to announce that Spielberg has been interested, and very much, for taking charge of the direction of the adaptation of the illustrated work "How To Survive to Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion" of Daniel H. Wilson. The project is being already written by Drew Goddard, one of the minds J.J beehive. Abrams and responsible for cochairs like The Cabin in the Woods (2011), Monstrous (Cloverfield, 2008), episode of "Lost" ("Lost", 2004-2010) and a longest etc. of good things. In these moment Dreamworks names already to the movie as Robopocalypse (2012). Collider recovers part of the synopsis of the novel and, resembles products much in vogue, different things prototypes will appear like walking giants, insectorobots, lagartijarobots and serpienterobots. Will it be necessary to begin to throw an eye to the work of mister Wilson, with qualifications as resounding as "Where's My Jetpack?: To Guide to the Amazing Science Fiction Future That Never Arrived" or "Bro-Jitsu: The Martial Art of Sibling Smackdown" the thing promises. Looking for the blog I discover that in November, 2009 he announced the buy of the rights to himself.

New Kick-Ass poster with Frank D'Amico
New Kick-Ass poster with Frank D'Amico

Now if?: tired already of reading interesting things? Since it is necessary to bear because the fourth paragraph comes newscaster! Again Deadlon, this time New York, mentions to us that 20th Century Fox can have already governing for he pretipples of The planet of the simians (Planet of the Apes, 1968). Round there one tells that Rupert Wyatt will be the manager of directing the movie now named like Caesar: Rise of the Apes (?). CHUD for his part offers us what might be the final synopsis of the project, with a doctor experimenting with simians to find the remedy of the Alzheimer's disease. When those who pay the investigations to him decide to close the faucet, Will, the doctor of question, pyre to his house with the most surprising specimen inside his investigation … Caesar. The simian surprisingly evolves more normal thing and ends up by commanding a rebellion simiesca with Dantesque consequences for the humanity. Connect with other pelis and more details in CHUD.

Of dessert a weapon explosion to take. They make sure in Heat Vision Blog that 20th Century Fox and James Cameron plan a relaunch of Incarnation (2009) in the movies at the end of the summer. How? So if, they never announce it also with seen scenes that had to remain initially in the assembly table. And will it be worth it if he wants to consider to see it again? Since in a conference in New York there has spoken Richard Gelfond, CEO of IMAX, dropping that Cameron has on the table 40 more minutes of length. Cameron for his part mentioned in due time that due to technical needs for the moment paragraphs had to be left between 10 and 12 minutes of length that might be seen in Director's Cut that will go on sale. Anyway, that is what god wants.

IT NOTICES The poster of Kick-Ass (2010) there are a courteousness of Empire and Splash Page MTV.

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