Blog of movies, terror

Thursday, March 25, 2010

2D2: More and less for The First Avenger: Captain America, more for The Thing, serious problems in the development of Ghostbusters III, "Captain Futuro" to the movies of the hand of Christian Alvart and Bryan Singer speaks about X-Men: First Cla

Wing, more news. Splash Page MTV publishes that Sebastian Stan joins, this has no end, in the long run it lists of candidates to be Steve Rogers in The First Avenger: Captain America (2011) of Joe Johnston. Eye, if Stan enters, which seems to fall down is Garrett Hedlund, in certain moment the favorite for Disney Pictures and Marvel Studios. It adds up and continues. he adds a pair of new names to the singular share-out of The Thing (2011), it is prestrained by not remake of The Thing (The Thing, 1982) of John Carpenter that Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. is planning to roll as soon as possible. The signings are those of Dennis Storhøi, Trond Espen Seim, Jørgen Langhelle, Stig Henrik Hoff, Jan Gunnar Røise, Kristofer Hivju and Jo Adrian Haavind. Since you will have realized, they are all actors of Norwegian origin, a factor decisive to take to good port this movie that tries to count the bloody events that precede the masterpiece of Carpenter. Of between the said ones there is moderately well-known someone, or at least I dress in some movie.

Captain Future: Man of Tomorrow
Captain Future: Man of Tomorrow

New block that always starts with surprising pompous news in of confidence column Vulture of the New York Magazine. As tells Columbia Pictures, or what is the same, Sony, they love Ivan Reitman as remote as possible of the development of Ghostbusters III (2011). And here the problem comes. Reitman has a contract signed by which one has full power on the election of the director of the movie. We go, that or it is he or he will be someone that he selects … but not other. Anyway, if the news is confirmed we will enter a strip phase and you slacken. The second draft of the script, written by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, will be ready next May and if they try to release the next year they will not be able to delay too much the important decisions, and this is one of them. It is said that Columbia wants to apply to Ghostbusters III the same that is planned it is Spider-Man … to renew in every respect. Does Columbia wonder if the director of almost 70 years fits rolling Ghostbusters III? Personally I think that if. Let's close this paragraph with a chat between Quiet Earth and the director Christian Alvart and he is commenting on his intention of making the adaptation real to big screen of "Captain Futuro", the personage pulp created by Edmon Hamilton in the 40s. Alvart admits to be a fan both of the written work and of the series animated by the company Toei Animation. It tells that the director that they are working hardly to create a space operates for the whole family as in due time it the saga was Star Wars. The first movie Captain Future (?) it will center on the origin of Curtis Newton and as Captain Futuro becomes as well as on the first one of his adventures "The emperor of the space". If everything goes out as is waited, Alvart has an idea already prepared for the consequence … Captain Future: Wizard of Science (?).

The today closing puts the his one more than extensive interview granted by Bryan Singer and the producer Lauren Shuler Donner to the people of Hero Complex of Los Angeles Steal. Although most of the article serve to throw the sight behind remembering the fundamental participation of Singer in the throwing of the saga mutant, it departs from the chat derives in details on X-Men: First Class (?), X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2 (?) and X-Men 4 (?) . Singer speaks first about his comeback to the exemption and comments that X-Men: First Class will center on counting the relation between Charles Xavier and Magneto, and the point in which his ways separated. Singer speaks that will tell themselves the origins of the mutants' school and that, therefore, will meet old acquaintances like Jean Grey, Cyclops or the Beast. Of course, all of them younger versions. Something on that he has not wanted to comment is if we will see or not to Wolf, I believe that he would not have sense, and if therefore Hugh Jackman would be involved in the project … the years they do not pass from the same form for this mutant. Anyway, the truly interesting thing there is the starting point that Singer raises and that is to center on the relation between Xavier and Magneto, stopping like extra, that I do not adorn, the rest of mutants. A movie more personal than the resultant hodgepodge in X-Men 3: the final decision (X-Men: The Last Stand, 2006). The article closes with two surprises. The first one the assertion on the part of the Donner of which Singer had on his table a contract to film X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2. As for X-Men 4, the producer says that it will be late in coming, but that it will end up by coming …

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

1D2: The beginning of The Hobbit does not clear up, tint for The Pitufos, fabulous cartels for The Expendables and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Kane and Lynch = Willis and Foxx and Tim Burton will roll The Addams Family in 3-D and stop-motion …

Although today it would be the habitual day to pass for the movies to see Eli's book (The Book of Eli, 2010), the factor to work in the evening implies that the visit to the movies takes a long time, at least, to tomorrow on Friday. This today newscaster does not mean nevertheless the abandonment of the rigorous post on Thursday. To start with good foot the best thing it is to tint a pair of the yesterday news. First he is worth while commenting, although I keep on thinking that everything is a mere speculation, that the official web of Ian McKellen,, tints it given yesterday and by art of magic where it was setting in June now it appears in July. Anyway, the above mentioned. Let's wait for official and real announcements. If until 2012 we are not going to see The Hobbit (2012) of Guillermo del Toro …: is it really necessary to initiate the shooting the same summer? The second tone. Yesterday Entertainment Weekly indicated that Hank Azaria was going to put the voice to Gargamel in The Pitufos (The Smurfs, 2011) of Slit Gosnell. Since not at all, today the good one of Neil Patrick Harris informs us, in his account of twitter, that it is true, but that it will not put the voice … if not that will put everything. Therefore, the doubts arisen on this matter disappear. Gargamel will be an actor of meat and bone and not a digital personage as one allowed to know by intuition EW.

New cartel molón of The Expendables
New cartel molón of The Expendables

It is time to put us with the today news on Thursday and that better than to start with fresh innovations of the ShoWest of Las Vegas. This way of slap I leave you with the new cartel of The Expendables (2010) of Sylvester Stallone that has been extracted of the sleeve I recommend to happen to you for the portal to see it in major size, not very much, and better quality … watermark sorrow. It is simply molón, wildly and spectacularly. He reminds me very much to one of those who were extracted for Punisher: War Zone (2008) of Lexi Alexander. And eye, along with this one we have other of those that we will see in some hours for the network. This time talks each other of one of the cartels that exists for the corridors of the fair with a Sly printed on the tattooed back of the first cartel that we saw of the movie. To see it happening for, a glance is worth while throwing you. Along with this decorative detail, today the post dresses himself of red, we have the official cartel of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) of Edgar Wright in good quality and along with a fund of screen that tries to decorate our virtual offices. Thanks to Alucard for the notice, the poster can be seen in quite notable resolution in the official web of the movie:

The first official poster of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
The first official poster of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Let's go now with the least visual news about the day, but not for it lacking in interest. Let's begin, route Heat Vision Blog of, with the agreeable signing that Jamie Foxx to be Lynch in Kane and Lynch (2011) of Simon Crane, the adaptation of the well-known video game that Gnu Image / Millenium Films try to finance with Lionsgate as distribution partner. Foxx would join therefore Bruce Willis, confirmee does eons. It would not be badly at all. Let's continue with the pompous surprise in Deadline New York for which they informs us that Tim Burton already has between hands a new movie in 3-D … and in stop motion!!! Burton direct a movie based on the drawings of "The Family Addams" that Charles Addams originally created for the series of animation of the 60s. Burton will direct reaching port much of his visual style, let's hope that it should not leave in the background the lofty work of the Addams, and Illumination Entertainment of Universal Pictures will be the manager of producing the movie. Eye, for the time being it is a future project, it must be added therefore to Frankenweenie 3-D (?), Dark Shadows (?) and the one who knows if slightly more.

In a little bit the rest … and the loaded thing comes!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The shooting of The Hobbit starts in June: or in October and 3-D?, Conan starts with Rose McGowan like medium surprise, Fright Night oficializa his director, Salaak will be in Green Lantern, new poster of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and new project comiq

Day more comfortable than of custom and moment to look forward commenting on the last news that have taken place in this hyperactive world that is the movies, and especially Hollywood. Let's start with important news, let's hope that they should not finish with denying it in a few hours. The official web of Ian McKellen has been published today by a brief note that indicates that The Hobbit (2012) and The Hobbit 2 (2013), two movies that will adapt the homónima works of J.R.R. Tolkien, will begin to shooting in June of this year in locations of New Zealand. The shooting, as it takes saying several eons, will get longer for more than one year. Along with this it is confirmed also that the casting processes have already begun in Los Angeles, New York and London, this we already knew it, and that the script of both movies is "closed" also. Guillermo del Toro will take charge of the movies, this does not surprise anybody, and lives for time in Wellington, close to the house of Peter Jackson and of the study Weta in Miramar. But skylight, as I say already, before starting skipping of happiness, the best thing will be to wait to an official, signed, sealed announcement and with fingerprints of implied marked in blood. makes sure that a Weta worker has revealed them that the shooting will be finally in 3-D although for the time being the official only thing is the declared for Guillermo del Toro a few weeks ago. Since that, this deep gullet promises that the shooting will be in 3-D and that nothing of June … October, thing that approaches more the declared for Doug Jones at the beginning of this year. Anyway …: the truth? Nothing is known.

Poster of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World seen in the ShoWest of Las Vegas
Poster of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World seen in the ShoWest of Las Vegas

Moment of beginnings of shooting and different incorporations. Paradox Entertainment has published a press release announcing that the shooting of Conan (2011) of Marcus Nispel has initiated the past 15 of this month in the studies Gnu Boyana of Sofia, Bulgaria. There speaks to himself about the share-out, Jason Momoa like Conan, Ron Perlman like Corim, Leo Howard like a teen Conan, Stephen Lang in the role of Khalar Singh, Rachel Nichols as Tamara and Said Taghmaoui as a leader of a clan of thieves. But skylight, when one reads that Rose McGowan also will be part of the share-out Sonja begins to do illusions to herself dreaming of a Network cameo. But no, strangely Variety indicates us that the McGowan will interpret to one way witch humanizes way. The script is provided finally with contributions of Thomas Dean Donnelly, Joshua Oppenheimer, Sean Hood and Andrew Lobel. Another movie that it incorporates, although not actors, it is Fright Night (2011), the remake of Night of fear (Fright Night, 1985) of Tom Holland. Variety comes to give official nature to the news it was appearing a few days ago and that was indicating that Craig Gillespie would direct the remake. Since that, that there is already the director. The movie The pitufos (The Smurfs, 2011) has hired Hank Azaria to put the voice to Gargamel. That they tell us in Hollywood Insider. For the time being it seems that two only ones personage human beings really will be the interpreted ones by Emma Pillsbury and Neil Patrick Harris.

Hour of cosituated comiqueras. Geoff Johns has discovered in his Twitter account that we will have another member more of Green Lantern Corps. in Green Lantern (2011) of Martin Campbell. South (Temuera Morrison), to Take Re, Kilowog and Sinestro (Mark Strong), today goes to already known Abin Johns and adds to the list Salaak. And the most curious thing, he says to have seen it, I suppose that a final design of the personage, and that he is molado a little bit length! Splash Page MTV made out from his part to Mark Millar and it obtains of this one the following thing. Along with Matthew Vaughn he prepares himself to adapt the cinematographic version of an unpublished cómic who has written and about which nothing is known. The only thing that Thousand discovers is that the new cómic draws the brilliant Leinil Francis Yu and that it will see the light next September. Of course, he makes sure that for the time being nobody knows anything about the same one, neither the publishers nor nobody. They are employed in an independent way at the adaptation and he mentions that it will be the new thing that they do after Kick-Ass (2010). To happen to you now for or for being able to throw the first glance to the new cartel of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) of Edgar Wright and that it is possible to see in the corridors of Motion Picture Industry Convention a.k.a. ShoWest that is celebrated these days in Las Vegas. It is of supposing that we will see it in good quality sooner or later.

Friday, March 19, 2010

More names for The First Avenger: Captain America and candidates for: Peggy or Golden Girl?, the first Priest images, the cómic "Existence 2.0" to the movies: Without City 2 earlier or later?, Real Steel and Attack of the Block record, The Last

Buff, again day cargadito newscaster. It will be necessary to look it spread where it is not to be able to be useful a little better the night. Let's begin with new movements in Marvel Studios and in possibilities of share-out of The First Avenger: Captain America (2011). If yesterday Ryan Phillippe was joining the list of candidates to be Steve Rogers, Phillippe has confirmed a few hours ago the news to the people of Splash Page MTV, today Deadline New York and Heat Vision Blog at the same time present us to Channing Tatum as new possible guinea pig of the whey of the supersoldier. Therefore, let's enumerate … Wilson Blethel, Mike Vogel, Chris Evans, Garrett Hedlund, Ryan Phillippe y Tatum. Along with this announcement it is discovered also that Marvel tests the feminine market to find the protagonist who will accompany Rogers in his adventures. Deadline speaks about Margaret "Peggy" Oil pan while Heat Vision Blog quotes to Bety Ross, alter ego of the superheroine Golden Girl and member of The Invaders, supergroup that will be present in the movie. Anyway, the names that appear by the horizon are those of Keira Knightley, Alice Eve and Emily Blunt, being the last one the supposed favorite of this trio on having been a candidate in due time to interpret Black Widow in Iron Man 2 (2010), role that finally relapsed into Scarlett Johansson. Since not at all, we remain intrigued for discovered who will take the cat to the water. I leave you now with the first glance, or slightly similarly, to Priest (2011) that Scott Stewart directs and that supposedly is based on the namesake work of Min-Woo Hyung. It is necessary to see little, more than not at all scenes of the shooting, the aspect of some personages, Priest (Paul Bettany), Hicks (Cam Gigandet) and Aaron (Stephen Moyer), and much of the cable that they are using.

It is not yet a moment to leave the world comiquero. Again Heat Vision of is the one that warns us about the new project based on graphic work that will come to the movies in not very distant future. Paramount Pictures has been done by the rights of "Existence 2.0", cómic published by Image and created by Nick Spencer and Ronald Salas. This action cómic centers on the life of an amoral physicist and who looks the whole day for his own bellybutton. His life will change the day that is murdered and that, as a result of this, his conscience finishes transferred to the body of the assassin who has finished with his life. From this moment he will be useful of the life of the assassin, enormous and all that, until his daughter is kidnapped. From this day it will have to face to the same persons who killed him. Thousands Thousand and Alfred Gough, acquaintances for being the creators of "Smallville" (2001-:?) there has been already recorded by Platinum Dunes, the company of Michael Bay, and Circle of Confusion to take charge of the writing of the script that adapts the work. In another order of things Splash Page MTV he speaks with Robert Rodriguez and this one drops that the beginning of the shooting of Without City 2 (?) it is a time question. Earlier or later it will end up by happening. Of course, Rodriguez says "probably sooner is better" … probably as soon as possible better. Let's cross the fingers.

Moment of brief. it indicates us that the young Canadian actor Dacota Goyo has been recorded to be employed along with Hugh Jackman at Real Steel (2011) of Shawn Levy. For that he does not remember it Real Steel is this movie of futurist science fiction where the boxing as such has been eradicated. Now those who divide the face are robots that they neither suffer, neither suffer, they do not even get weak. Goyo will be Max, the son of Jackman, a boxer who will look for his redemption after the reunion with his son lost in the championship robótico of boxing. The shooting starts in June of the hand of DreamWorks and Disney. Another day I presented to you a movie to be still an alumnus Attack of the Block (?) of Joe Cornish. Today The Playlist says to us that Nick Frost has been recorded to inform in the desquiciante movie. They mention in the portal that the Frost role will be important … remembering the argument of the movie I do not locate it. Sam the nurse?: one of the hooligans? or: is it possible that a police officer who finishes shut up with them? Deadline New York mentions to us that Summit Entertainment has been done by a script, or threat of, written by titled Cory Goodman The Last Witch Hunter (?). From the hand of the project there comes Timur Bekmambetov that will act like producer, although one does not discard that it does the proper thing in direction tasks. The movie will count the adventures of the last hunter of witches and sorcerers, and his attempts for preventing these from being reproduced like rabbits. Goodman, the scriptwriter, is the person in charge of the future adaptation of "Priest" and of also future Chromosome remake three (The Brood, 1979).

Design of an Ancient one of Wayne Barlowe
Design of an Ancient one of Wayne Barlowe (route Of The Bull Movies)

The today closing puts a note legal that it affects to the future copyright of Iron Man, Spider-Man, etc. Yesterday THR, Esq., portal that connects the legal thing with Hollywood, he published the note that makes clear that the denunciation of the heirs of Jack Kirby against Marvel for extracting benefit of the development of his creations goes forward. In September of last year the tiranteces began with Marvel presenting a reply to make to forget the topic indicating that Kirby was, in those time, an employed one and that therefore everything what it was creating was a property of the company for which it was working. This new denunciation comes to refute the Marvel argument and to put the company again against the ropes for the property, not whole but if partial. Anyway, that if finally the heirs it leaves with his will have to pay to them tens million dollars … tens of …: tens? And that is that for a company that Disney has just acquired for 4.000 millions?

IT NOTICES I do not want to say goodbye without commenting to you on a pair of things entertained to look and to continue. The channel SyFy has given the go-ahead to a series called "Three Inches". It is a superheroes' comedy where a type discovers that it has powers telequinéticos. It can move objects with the mind to 3 inches of distance, almost 8 cm. It will join other "heroes" with powers as pathetic as theirs. A graphic novel animated by Repo Men (2010) unburdens itself from the web of Apple mounted for it. Onlooker.

Streaming Blue Mountain State S01E11 Ransom online

Cartel of Predators and 4 of the creatures that we will see, South Abin and other more already in Green Lantern: a new Subotai in Conan?, "Valentine Damages: Brains, Beauty and Bullets" to the movies, The Crazies already has the one who distribu

It starts the week of Eli's book (The Book of Eli, 2010). This weekend Sony Pictures releases, let's hope in movies sufficient, the new movie of post-apocalyptic future cut led by Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman and Mila Kunis. To be the first day of the week it is necessary to remove the hat before the notable quantity of news that we have to begin to the eyes. Predators (2010) of Nimród Antal continues in the comb of the wave and, after his presentation in South By Soutwest Film Festival (SXSW), today us a clearer glance comes from IMPAwards to the teaser poster that was distributed between the assistants to the extra festival as well as details of the design of creatures that we will see in the movie, you are route Wired. The designs are of all kinds, from an insect species, it is possible that the partner of named like Predator Falconer, up to a creature that does not look like a Predator, the giant "dog" or another type of clothing for a Predator, it is possible that it is what the personage of Laurence Fishburne dresses.

Teaser poster of Predators de Nimród Antal
Teaser poster of Predators de Nimród Antal

Let's keep on extending the contents of the day with a signings series. Heat Vision Blog of offers a pair of first fruits in the shape of incorporations for Green Lantern (2011) of Martin Campbell. Warner Bros. Pictures announces the signings of Taika Waititi and Temuera Morrison, you will remind him to this one for having interpreted Jango Fett in the new trilogy of Star Wars. With the beginning of the shooting foreseen for the same week in studies of New Orleans, and in 3-D, Waititi will interpret the best friend of Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds). There is not known if friendly human or possible friend in Green Lantern Corps. On the other hand Morrison joins to personify the most important South Abin. Both actors are neozelandeses. The same portal announces also that Said Taghmaoui, Breaker in G.I. Joe (G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, 2009), joins to the share-out of Conan (2011) of Marcus Nispel. The role for which Taghmaoui has been recorded is quite peculiar, it turns out that he will be a leader of a clan of thieves who will be rescued by Conan (Jason Momoa) and who immediately after his liberation will help this one in his adventure. Interesting to see like this assumption reboot drinks already from the same ideas as Conan, the barbarian (1982) of John Milius: Will it be Said Taghmaoui the new Subotai (Gerry Lopez)?: or the masculine version of Zula (Grace Jones)?

The suit that Laurence Fishburne dresses in Predators?
The suit that Laurence Fishburne dresses in Predators?

Creature design for Predators
Creature design for Predators

Moment of new projects and interesting innovations. It is Variety the one that mentions to us that C2 Entertainment has I decide to cheer up to get in the world comiquero on big screen taking forward the adaptation of the collection "Valentine Damages: Brains, Beauty and Bullets" of Daniel Cooney. The cómic, it did not know it, it centers on the adventures of Dana Valentine, a killer femme fatale to salary, and explores the impact of his profession, morally questionably. The production will run of the hand of the visible heads of C2 Entertainment, Anna Cordova and Robert Faber, who are already testing the market of the directors and scriptwriters. It is believed that the project might count with between 20 and 30 million dollars of budget. The same web is the one that announces to us that the Spanish company Savor has been done by the rights of development of The Crazies (2010) of Breck Eisner after signing an agreement with Paramount Vantage. With this we make sure that throughout next months we could see in the movies the remake of the movie of George A. Rosemary. For the time being there are no confirmed dates.

Creature design for Predators
Creature design for Predators

Sketches for the Predators "dog"
Sketches for the Predators "dog"

But skylight, not everything in this world is good. Bloody Disgusting offers us what the first synopsis of the remake seems to be / reboot of Howls (The Howling, 1981). This The Howling: Reborn (2010) points to slack slack after knowing that it will tell us the misfortune of a lad who, after finishing his stage in the institute, manages to stay with this partner who more was doing tinkle to him in his most adolescent stage. While it her works it will discover that on her it weighs a curse … a woman is a wolf. And skylight, if this is a problem, more it will be when men's rival has to face a group wolf that they will want: first to finish with her and second it to have been an afternoon snack to him. It sounds too much to already extremely exploited: no? What if it has good face is nevertheless the following project of Michel Gondry, at present become absorbed in The Green Hornet (2010). Account Gondry to the people of MTV Movies Blog who already has between hands his next project. It seems that finally Gondry will be able to extract forward the adaptation of the novel of science fiction "The Master of Space and Time" of Rudy Rucker. After elbow works several years to elbow with Daniel Clowes, artist comiquero, it seems that it even already has the first signing Ellen Page gives birth to the project …. Let's cross the fingers, but equal in a pair of years we have in the movies Master's degree of Space and Time (?).

Creature design for Predators
Creature design for Predators

Let's close today with a pair of rumors comiqueros. it drops that chatting with Brian Michael Bendis, this one confirmed to a friend of a friend who steals cars, that the reboot of Spider-Man that Sony / Columbia and Marc Webb prepares will be, as it takes saying several months, Ultimate Spider-Man. he makes sure from his part that internal sources of Marvel Studios have incorporated the list of candidates to be Steve Rogers in The First Avenger: Captain America (2011) to Ryan Phillippe.

IT NOTICES Peter Graves Has died. Eternally remembered for being a member of "Impossible mission" ("Mission: Impossible", 1967-1973) or for offering us a superlative role in Aterriza as you could (Airplane!, 1980).

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Robert Rodriguez, Nimród Antal and Greg Nicotero present Predators in the SXSW Movie Festival, Edward Norton speaks about The Avengers and the future of Hulk, the consequence of Monstrous remains latent, Kick Ass 2 in study and little more …

This week there has been no outstanding premiere in the genres treated in the blog. Despite it I have passed to see Green Zone (2010) of Paul Greengrass and today in the evening I have done the proper thing with The men who were looking fixedly at the goats (The Men Who Stare at Goats, 2009) of Grant Heslov. Of the first one I can say that it is enough normalita. Not at all out of the current thing although notable as for the personal Greengrass style in the action movies. Of other one since it has the first two showy thirds, you break of the laugh, but it finishes in free fall until a quite mediocre end. Of course, for the next week we will have in the movies Eli's book (The Book of Eli, 2010) of the brothers Albert Hughes and Allen Hughes … let's cross the fingers.

Since not at all, today on Sunday the topic newscaster fills with comments about the length of Predators (2010) of Nimród Antal showed in the film festival SXSW, more comments about Thor (2011) and The First Avenger: Captain America (2011), although not at all that is not known at this point, and a few news extra. Let's begin for the end stopping in a few important declarations of Edward Norton to where the actor reveals the current relation that it supports with Marvel Studios and what expects for us from her. It seems that despite all the debates mounted between and the company, due to the forced assembly that they wanted to give to The incredible Hulk (The Incredible Hulk, 2008) of Louis Leterrier, the relations with Marvel are still active … of course, route his agents. He admits that a programmed agenda has always existed but earlier it has to be advanced very much in the exploration of the universe marvelita. Then it is possible that it is a moment to return. He speaks about all the work that is realized and of as that will mark the tempo then to penetrate into the world of The Avengers. At least it does not close the door definitely.

Predators in the movies: of the whole world? on July 9
Predators in the movies: of the whole world? on July 9

Other who also speaks about the future, although it is not known if nearby or distant, he is Matt Reeves with the people of MTV Movies Blog. Of what speech Reeves? Since of that it is going to be, of the consequence of Monstrous (Cloverfield, 2008). The young director declares that he cannot say anything, but that if there exist peaks of activity that they indicate that the project is still alive and that might end up by being carried out. He speaks about the group of persons involved in the future – J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk, Drew Goddard and he itself – and it warns the fans that it is necessary to be patient since it can take a lot of time to the real one be finished limiting. Closing the chats on the future we have to interviewing in the SWSX Christopher Mintz-Plasse and obtaining of this one that in next Comic-Con de San Diego there will be already the first official movements of Kick-Ass 2 (?). Matthew Vaughn and Mark Millar are already being employed at the new ideas and the way to be continued in the consequence.

Hour of speaking about the seen in the SXSW of Predators. First of all it is necessary to speak a little from which the idea arose. Robert Rodriguez counts that in the middle of the 90, and when it was preparing the shooting of Desperado (1995), Peter Czech Republic of 20th Century Fox entrusted him a script for a consequence of Predator (Predator, 1987). Rodriguez designed a history that would count the later adventure of Ducth (Arnold Schwarzenegger), kidnapped and led to a planet of predators where it would be hunted. Although Schwarzenegger decided not to accept the project, the idea served like base for the script that now Michael Finch and Alex Litvak have written. In the festival they showed two length pieces. The first one was the teaser trailer that we will see next 18th, he remembers very much in the style of movies as They should Ally, the eighth passenger (Ally, 1978) or Aliens: the return (Aliens, 1986), faces terrified before what they see and the whole fishing. The second length discovers that the personage of Laurence Fishburne takes in the jungle of the planet predator and it survived decked like them. What bugs will we see? Antal, Rodriguez and the supervisor of FX Greg Nicotero discover that there will be superpredators – call one of them a Mr. Black - predators with flying bug in way hawk, other with a dog, that of the conceptual art of yesterday, other that is camouflaged and even some of the realized designs, for his forms, give to understand that there is depredadoras. They warn that there are no bugs created with CGI, there are all suits 100 % to the classic way, of approximately 2 meters and a half, and that we will see creatures belonging to two different tribes, each one demonstrating a different personality. Rodriguez mentions that they have now the movie on the assembly table and that it will be bloody and violent … the fiancée R will be a reality. It finishes off the move dropping that in this movie have wanted to offer a consequence in time of the movie of John McTiernan and that for it make comments to themselves in reference to this movie. If quite they work as wait, there will be more Predators

And of Thor and The First Avenger: Captain America? Since not at all … to happen to you for if you are interested in, but there are quite lucubrations on already known or spread things.

The second trailer of Iron Man 2 is already here, and an extra pair of details …

Today Oscar is a day of surf and therefore it is a moment of an early post to give entry to the hype of the day and the night one where there will announce the results of the Oscars and the winners of the Football pools of the Oscars of Uruloki:: Blog to themselves. The world comiquero feels waved by the engaged appearance of the new and spectacular trailer of Iron Man 2 (2010) of Jon Favreau. More Tony Stark / Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr)., more Colonel James ‘Rhodey‘ Rhodes / War Machine (Don Cheadle), more Ivan Vanko / Whiplash (Mickey Rourke), more Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), stellar appearance of Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and some secret sorpresitas in way villain, armor, etc. For the one that wants to see it in high definition, forced where it is possible, that it passes for the web of Apple where this possibility happens.

Before leaving you with a few apprehensions of the trailer, before Alice indicated that in the Wonderland, (Alice in Wonderland, 2010) of Tim Burton has kneaded, in his first international weekend, the fortune for 210 million dollars. We go, other one that will put itself at a few popular levels of those that remove the hiccup. In Spain we have still to wait on April 16 to be able to see it. As added to indicate that he has chatted with Amanda Seyfried in the red carpet of the delivery of the Oscars and this one has confirmed to them that there will lead The Girl With the Network Riding Hood (2012) of Catherine Hardwicke for Warner Bros. Pictures. Now the photos …

Whiplash does his appearance
Whiplash does his appearance

The portable armor of Tony Stark (1)
The portable armor of Tony Stark (1)

The portable armor of Tony Stark (2)
The portable armor of Tony Stark (2)

Justin Hammer doing dealings with Whiplash...
Justin Hammer doing dealings with Whiplash …

... and presenting his robots army
… and presenting his robots army

War Machine: main piece of Justin Hammer?
War Machine: main piece of Justin Hammer?

War Machine: main piece of Justin Hammer?
War Machine: main piece of Justin Hammer?

The second meeting between Nick Fury and Tony Stark
The second meeting between Nick Fury and Tony Stark

IT NOTICES In the night the results and share-out of awards …